President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Born November 1966. Male.
Other positions and management duties
President of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). Member of the board of directors at Danmarks Nationalbank (the Danish central bank).
Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen and Karsten Munk Knudsen are registered as executives with the Danish Business Authority. The other members of Executive Management are not registered as executives with the Danish Business Authority.
Maziar Mike Doustdar
Executive Vice President. International Operations. Born August 1970. Male.
Other positions and management duties
Member of the board of directors and the personnel and remuneration committee of Orion Corporation.
Ludovic Helfgott
Executive Vice President. Rare Disease. Born July 1974. Male.
Other positions and management duties
President of the Novo Nordisk Haemophilia Foundation Council.
Karsten Munk Knudsen
Executive Vice President. Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Born December 1971. Male.
Other positions and management duties
Member of the board of directors and chair of the audit committee of Hempel A/S. Member of the board of directors, chair of the audit & ESG committee of 3Shape Holding A/S.
Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen and Karsten Munk Knudsen are registered as executives with the Danish Business Authority. The other members of Executive Management are not registered as executives with the Danish Business Authority.
Martin Holst Lange
Executive Vice President. Development. Born October 1970. Male.
Other positions and management duties
Member of the board of directors of Pharmacosmos A/S.
David Moore
Executive Vice President. US Operations & Business Development. Born January 1974. Male.
Other positions and management duties
Member of the board of directors of Novasenta Inc.
Tania Sabroe
Executive Vice President. Global People & Organisation. Born July 1977. Female.
Other positions and management duties
No other management positions.
Marcus Schindler
Executive Vice President. Research & Early Development and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO). Born September 1966. Male.
Other positions and management duties
Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Gothenburg.
Camilla Sylvest
Executive Vice President. Commercial Strategy & Corporate Affairs. Born November 1972. Female.
Other positions and management duties
Member of the board of directors of Danish Crown A/S and Argenx SE.
Henrik Wulff
Executive Vice President. Product Supply, Quality & IT. Born November 1970. Male.
Other positions and management duties
Member of the board of directors of Grundfos Holding A/S.